LIMU participated in Russian school-seminar “Waves-2022”
From 5th to 10th of June 2022, the XXXIII All-Russian School-seminar "Wave Phenomena: Physics and Applications" named after Professor A.P. Sukhorukov ("Waves-2022"), organized by the Department of Photonics and Microwave Physics, Faculty of Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, was held in a hybrid in-person/virtual format. The program of the school was very rich and included 12 sections with invited lectures, review reports, oral and poster presentations. About 200 participants took part in the School
From the LIMU 7 reports were presented by MS students Elena Konnova, Liubov Kotelnikova, Daria Chupova, Polina Pestova, postgraduates Shamil Asfandiyarov and Anastasia Tyurina and LIMU graduate Dmitry Nikolaev the sections "Acoustics of inhomogeneous media" and "Bio- and medical applications of wave physics". According to the results of the work of the school, Daria Chupova and Anastasia Tyurina were awarded certificates for the best scientific report in their section.
Also, LIMU members took part in the organization of "Waves-2022". Oleg Sapozhnikov was a member of the program committee, Sergey Tsysar, Anastasia Lapina, Dmitry Nikolaev and Suren Petrosyan were the members of the school organizing committee. Sergey Tsysar was also a chair of the section "Acoustics of inhomogeneous media", which was held in two sessions.
You can watch the recording of the speeches of our students and postgraduates on the school's Youtube channel.