LIMU has a new Ph.D. – Ekaterina Ponomarchuk passed her dissertation defense!
On October 19, 2023, at the Physics Faculty, MSU, a meeting of the Dissertation Council MSU.013.6 was held, where a LIMU 4th year graduate student Ekaterina Ponomarchuk successfully passed the defense of her PhD dissertation: “Mechanical fractionation of soft tissues in pulsed focused shock wave fields”.
The work was at the intersection of Acoustics and Medicine and, therefore, was carried out under supervision of two Doctors of Science: Vera A. Khokhlova (D.Sc. in Physics and Mathematics) and Sergey V. Buravkov (D.Sc. in Medicine).
All three opponents of the dissertation traveled to MSU to speak at the defense: D.Sc. Igor B. Esipov (National University of Oil and Gas «Gubkin University», Moscow), D.Sc. Andrey N. Rybyanets (Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don) and Ph.D. Igor Y. Demin (Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod). Despite the evening defense time, it is very pleasant that the work aroused keen interest among the Council members and sparked an active discussion!
As a result of the defense, Ekaterina was awarded a Ph.D. degree in Physics and Mathematics – one year ahead of the official end of her Ph.D. program!
Congratulations to Ekaterina on the successful defense of her dissertation and the beginning of a new stage in her scientific path, and wish her new achievements and undying scientific enthusiasm! And we thank the opponents and all LIMU members for their help in organizing the event!