Julia S. Andriakhina

Database information: 
  • 2017 – 2019 – Department of Acoustics, Physics Faculty, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, MS Program
  • 2013 – 2017 – Bachelor's program, Faculty of Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University. The title of the thesis: "Features of shock-wave focusing regimes with thermal ablation of the volumes of biological tissue of non-invasive surgery", supervisor: Dr. V.A. Khokhlova, reviewer: Dr. L.R. Gavrilov.
  • 2003 – 2013  gymnasium, Pavlovsky Posad
  • 2017-2019 Potanin's stipend
  • 2017 – 2018 "Basis" stipend
  • 2017  Second place at the R.V. Khokhlov contest of the best BS student thesis at the Physics Department of Moscow State University
  • 2016 – 2017  M.V. Lomonosov stipend for excellence in research and studies at the Physics Department of Moscow State University
  • 2016  Student internship from Focused Ultrasound Foundation
  • 2015  First Degree Award at the contest for the 2-nd year students of the Physics Faculty of MSU, project title: “Characterization of high‐output fields of ultrasound diagnostic probes" at the contest for the 2-nd year students of the Physics Faculty of Moscow State University. The project was conducted under supervision of V.A. Khokhlova and M.M. Karzova
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  1. V. Khokhlova, P. Yuldashev, I. Sinilshchikov, Y. Andriyakhina, W. Kreider, A. Maxwell, T. Khokhlova, O. Sapozhnikov, A. Partanen
    "Acceleration of thermal ablation of tissue volumes in high intensity focused ultrasound therapy using shock wave exposures"

    Program Booklet of the 16th International Symposium on Therapeutic Ultrasound (March 14 - 16, 2016, Tel Aviv, Israel)

  2. Khokhlova, V., Sinilshchikov, I., Yuldashev, P., Andriyakhina, Y., Kreider, W., Maxwell, A., Khokhlova, T., Sapozhnikov, O., and Partanen, A.
    "Use of shock-wave exposures for accelerating thermal ablation of confined tissue volumes"

    Program and Abstract Book of the 5th International Symposium on Focused Ultrasound (August 28 – September 1, 2016, Bethesda, MD, USA), Focused Ultrasound Foundation
