LIMU graduate student Elena Konnova gave a speech at the "Gradient of Science" event for undergraduates

On November 20, 2023, the event "Gradient of Science" was held – a meeting of undergraduate students with alumni and graduate students of the Physics Faculty of Moscow State University. As a first speaker, our graduate student Elena Konnova shared the details of her scientific path at LIMU and addressed the concerns of the freshmen.


LIMU has a new Ph.D. – Ekaterina Ponomarchuk passed her dissertation defense!

On October 19, 2023, a LIMU 4th year graduate student Ekaterina Ponomarchuk successfully passed the defense of her PhD dissertation: “Mechanical fractionation of soft tissues in pulsed focused shock wave fields”. The work was carried out under the supervision of D.Sc. Vera A. Khokhlova and D.Sc. Sergey V. Buravkov. Congratulations to Ekaterina and her supervisors!


LIMU at the All-Russian Science Festival NAUKA 0+

From October 6 to 8, 2023, the All-Russian Science festival NAUKA 0+ was held in Moscow. The LIMU laboratory took part in the exhibition held at the Fundamental Library of Moscow State University. The LIMU students and graduate students told visitors about the use of ultrasound in medicine and experimentally demonstrated its capabilities. The LIMU demonstrations sparked great interest among visitors and left a good impression! Details are presented in the video.