LIMU at the 19th International Scientific School "Nonlinear Waves-2020"

From 26th of February to 6th of March 2020 students of LIMU participated in the XIX International Scientific School "Nonlinear waves - 2020", which was held in the resort “Avtomobilist” located near Nizhny Novgorod. The school program included 46 lectures, 69 seminars, and 44 poster presentations. The main goal of the School is to provide an interdisciplinary overview of rapidly developing fields of nonlinear waves. The School covered many topics related to modern problems of the theory of nonlinear oscillations and waves, nonlinear processes in geophysics, climate and ecosystem models, nonlinear phenomena in cosmology and astrophysics, physics of extreme electromagnetic fields, nonlinear processes in biophysics and neurodynamics, nonlinear dynamics of quantum systems.

All lectures were outstanding and very educational. Among them was the lecture of Konstantin Vladimirovich Anokhin (director of the Institute for Advanced Brain Research). He explained the complex mechanism of neural hypernets and also talked about the structure and dynamics of higher brain functions. Professor Colin Price from Tel-Aviv University explained in detail formation, types, and effects on the ecosystem of the Earth's electromagnetic field. Professor Pelinovsky Efim Naumovich (from the Laboratory of Nonlinear Geophysical Processes, Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences) gave a talk about the scale of the catastrophic tsunamis of recent years and the view of them from the perspective of nonlinear physics.

A delegation of students from the LIMU team included Asfandiyarov Shamil and Bobina Anastasia. They presented their results to colleagues. Anastasia's report was devoted to the distortion and attenuation of a focused ultrasound beam when passing through the abdominal wall in the noninvasive surgery of abdominal hematomas. Shamil showed results of his experiment on measuring the nonlinear parameter of a viscoelastic medium using the interferometer method.