Congratulations to LIMU students and postgraduates on receiving grants, awards and scholarships!

The collection of achievements of students and graduate students of LIMU continues to be actively replenished with scholarships, awards and grants. 4th year students Azamat Kaloev and Ksenia Tumanova received grants from the Focused Ultrasound Global Internship Program to work on scientific projects during the summer of 2021. Azamat's scientific project is devoted to controlling the field of ultrasonic annular phased arrays using the method of acoustic holography. Ksenia presented for the competition a work on the study of the influence of the mechanical and ultrastructural properties of human hematomas ex vivo on their destruction by powerful focused ultrasound.

The annual competition of scientific student works named after R.V. Khokhlova in 2021 was again held in a distant format. According to the results of the competition, Ksenia Tumanova received a II degree diploma with a bachelor's work "Influence of mechanical and ultrastructural properties of human hematomas ex vivo on their destruction by powerful focused ultrasound". The work was carried out under the supervision of V.A. Khokhlova and S.V. Buravkov.

LIMU PhD student Dmitry Nikolaev received the American Acoustical Society Student Award in 2021 for his scientific achievements with the project "Application of Inverse Problem Methods to Characterize Powerful Wave Fields, Their Sources and Receivers."

Also recently, the competition of the federal program "UMNIK" of the Fund for Assistance to Innovation was held among innovative projects of students, graduate students and young scientists, whose scientific results have significant novelty and potential for commercialization. Dmitry Nikolaev's project "Development of technology for measuring the acoustic characteristics of materials using small samples" became one of the winners among the participants from the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. The project will take 2 years to complete; as a result, it is planned to develop a technology for measuring the frequency dependence of the speed of sound and absorption of various materials.

PhD student  Alisa Krokhmal received a scholarship from the Intellect Foundation in the framework of teaching the use of neural networks in scientific research. Alisa's project "Segmentation of Histology of Histotripsy" is aimed at solving the problem of segmentation of images of histology of tissue containing traces of destruction as a result of histotripsy using neural networks. The task of the neural network is to determine the affected areas of the tissue and estimate the total area of ​​the lesion, as well as to find areas of not completely destroyed tissue.

Congratulations to LIMU students and postgraduates and wish them to continue in the same spirit!