Alexander A. Karabutov

Ph.D., 2013
Areas of Research activitie:
- Laser optoacoustics
- Acoustics of layered structures
- FPGA developing
- 12.12.2013 – PhD in Acoustics from M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia. Thesis title: "Acoustic pulses in layered structures: Peculiarities of propagation in structures and applications in material diagnostics". Supervisor: Dr. Oleg A. Sapozhnikov; official reviewers: Drs. A.P. Brysev and V.B. Voloshinov; reviewing organization: N.N. Andreev Acoustics Institute.
- 01.03.2009 – 01.04.2012 – PhD Program Moscow State University (Russia) in Acoustics. Supervisor Oleg A. Sapozhnikov.
- 01.09.2004 – 31.01.2009 – MS Program in Physics (diploma with honors), Department of Acoustics, Physics Faculty, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russia). Thesis title: "Reflection of acoustic pulses from plane resonance structures". Supervisor: Dr. Oleg A. Sapozhnikov.
Professional position:
- 2015 – present time – LLC Planet360, CTO
- 2014 – 2015 – LLC Panorics, Lead Engineer
- 2012 – 2014 – Institute on laser and information technologies, Senior Researcher
- 2010 Award of the Acoustical Society of America (Student Stipend Program) to assist the research in acoustics of promising graduate students