License Details
P.V. Yuldashev, V.A. Khokhlova, O.A. Sapozhnikov, P.B. Rosnitskiy, M.M. Karzova.
Software Patent of Russian Federation No2017613572, 06.02.2017
The software is open for research and educational use with the proper acknowledgement.
HIFU-beam is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without guaranteed technical support or any warranty.
Referencing the HIFU-beam software
If HIFU-beam is used for a study that results in a publication, please include a reference to the HIFU-beam web page and to the following paper about the algorithm:
P.V. Yuldashev, M.M. Karzova, W. Kreider, P.B. Rosnitskiy, O.A. Sapozhnikov, V.A. Khokhlova. “HIFU beam”: a simulator for predicting axially symmetric nonlinear acoustic fields generated by focused transducers in a layered medium. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, April 20 2021. DOI: 10.1109/TUFFC.2021.3074611