LIMU participation in international conferences ISTU-2021 and ASA meeting


In June 2021, LIMU graduate students and research fellows took an active part in international symposiums and conferences.The Acoustical Society of America (ASA) meeting was held virtually from June 8 to 10, 2021. Our laboratory at the meeting was represented by Petr Yuldashev with an invited talk on “Modelling statistics of sonic boom parameters in turbulent media using nonlinear parabolic equation”.

From June 6 to 9, 2021, the 20th Annual International Symposium for Therapeutic Ultrasound (ISTU-2021) was held in a hybrid format, in-person part taking place in Gyeongju, Korea. Overall, around 500 scientists and physicians from universities around the world took part in the conference, including LIMU graduate students and research fellows. The head of LIMU Vera Khokhlova served as a Co-Chair of the scientific committee of the Symposium. Despite the difficulties of hybrid format organization, the conference was very successful and scientifically rich covering diverse aspects of latest achievements in the field of therapeutic ultrasound. Our laboratory was represented by online reports of LIMU research fellows Vera Khokhlova, Petr Yuldashev, Pavel Rosnitsky, and a PhD student Ekaterina Ponomarchuk. Overall, 11 reports were presented at the conference in collaboration with LIMU scientists.