International Ultrasonic Symposium (IUS2016) in Tours, France

In the beginning of autumn, 17-23 of September, LIMU team participated in International Ultrasonic Symposium, organized by IEEE society (the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers). The conference was organized in the VINCHI center, Tours, not far from Paris, and was attended by 1500 researchers and PhD students from nearly 15 countries representing different fields of ultrasound.

The program was intensive. Seven parallel oral sessions worked every day discussing problems and achievements in nonlinear and physical acoustics, ultrasound imaging and brain investigations, signal processing and ultrasound therapy and surgery. During coffee breaks participants were presenting their posters.

Fellow researcher of LIMU Sergey Tsysar and PhD students Elena Annenkova and Anastasiya Nikolaeva presented results of their research. Anastasiya Nikolaeva presented interesting effects introduced by quasi-Gaussian beam acting on an elastic sphere. Sergey Tsysar discussed a problem of transcranial ultrasonic imaging with a 2D synthetic array.

Elena Annenkova presented her work about acoustic nonlinearity as a mechanism for liquid drop explosions in drop-chain fountains. She became one of the student’s paper competition finalists and gave a 15-minutes oral presentation

A number of informal meetings were also held in the framework of the symposium: women in engineering, student’s breakfast, welcome reception, and gala dinner. You can find more details about the symposium at its web site