Excursion of students to the LIMU

On Saturday, July 28, 2018, a group of talented students from the summer camp "Lanat" visited the Laboratory of Medical and Industrial Ultrasound. The children were introduced to various applications of ultrasound: from the treatment of soft tissue tumors to the application of ultrasonic technologies to monitor the operation of nuclear reactors. Sergey Tsysar told the visitors about the general principles of numerous applications of ultrasound in industry and about the related research projects in LIMU. Pavel Rosnitskiy touched on the topic of medical applications of ultrasound: he explained the main differences in the thermal and mechanical destruction of soft tissues, and also showed the results of irradiation of porcine hematoma using the boiling histotripsy method. Julia Andriakhina actively participated in the discussions and answered questions from schoolchildren. The laboratory was glad to meet the young guests!