LIMU at the International Youth Scientific Forum "Lomonosov-2024"

From April 12 to 26, 2024, the International Scientific Conference of Students, Postgraduates and Young Scientists “Lomonosov-2024” was held at Moscow State University. Third-year LIMU students presented their works within the “Acoustics” section of the conference. Their reports covered currently relevant topics and research areas: from mathematical modeling of the acoustic signal propagation to practical applications of ultrasound in medicine. Our students showed a high level of competence and made a good impression on the competition committee.

Egor Petrov gave a talk on his results on modeling the ultrasonic field of a focusing transducer in the air to determine the optimal scanning area using acoustic holography method.

Liliya Papikyan shared her results on generation of mechanical lesions in the layers of human skin using pulsed shock wave focused ultrasound beams.

The LIMU staff members Shamil Asfandiyarov and Maria Karzova helped our students in preparing their talks.

Congratulations to participants and good luck in future research!