O.A. Sapozhnikov gave a lecture as part of a massive open online course on therapeutic ultrasound

Research on therapeutic ultrasound is one of the main directions in the activity of LIMU. Our laboratory cooperates with a number of international scientific centers working on this interesting topic. Interaction occurs not only in the framework of joint scientific projects, but also in the teaching of the basics of medical ultrasound. For example, in the “News” section of our website there have been reports on the participation of the LIMU team at the International Winter Schools on Therapeutic Ultrasound in Les Houches (France), where our laboratory was represented not only by students but also by lecturers.

This year, the teaching of therapeutic ultrasound was first conducted in the online form. The French laboratory LabTAU, with the support of the Focused Ultrasound Foundation, recorded a massive open online course (MOOC). You can sign up for a course here. The course consists of 12 lectures. Starting from September this year, a new lecture will be available on the MOOC website every two weeks. Lecture on the principles of generation and focusing of ultrasound was given by the head of LIMU, O.A. Sapozhnikov. The topic is "Ultrasound generation and focusing for HIFU therapy". The lecture is available on the MOOC website, in the "Lectures" section of our website, and through the link