LIMU participated in Russian school-seminar «Waves-2016»


In June 2016 the XV Russian school-seminar «Wave phenomena in heterogeneous media» named after Professor Anatoliy Sukhorukov («Waves-2016») was held in the rest home of MSU "Krasnovidovo". Sergey Tsysar was among active organizators of the school.  

Oleg Sapozhnikov gave a lecture about development of the acoustic holography method. The lecture provoked an active interest in the audience and was followed by numerous discussions. In session devoted to acoustics of inhomogeneous media staff members (Timofey Krit and Sergey Tsysar) and PhD students (Elena Annenkova and Anastasiya Nikolaeva) gave oral presentations. Students of LIMU Suren PetrosyanDmitry NikolaevLeisan Gilfanova​Marina Terzi, Dmitriy Sukhoruchkin,  Iliya Mezdrokhin, Julia Andriakhina, and Andrey Polyanskiy gave nice talks despite the busyness with exams at the University. All participants did a great job and had a good time at school. More detailed information about the school is provided here