French summer: LIMU participated in International Symposium on Nonlinear Acoustics (ISNA20) in Lyon

         The symposium was held from June 29 to July 3, 2015 in Lyon, France. The event was unique for many reasons. Firstly, nonlinear acoustics is a traditional area of interest not only for LIMU, but for the Department of Acoustics, which is the alma mater for all members of LIMU. In 2002, ISNA16 was organized at Moscow State University by employees and students of the Department ( The symposium takes place every three years in different countries; the venue alternates between Europe, Asia, and North America. Representatives of LIMU traditionally take part as speakers, and as a member of the Organizing Committee. In addition, this latest symposium was held in Lyon - a city with which our Lab has many scientific and personal connections. Oleg Sapozhnikov spent his sabbatical in 1994 at the Therapeutic Ultrasound Laboratory of the Institute of Health and Medical Research of France in Lyon (LabTAU, INSERM). Later, in the same laboratory, Andrey Morozov, a PhD student of our Lab spent three years within a joint PhD program (co-tutelle). Sergey Tsysar worked with French colleagues from LabTAU for a month conducting research on acoustic holography. Our group has developed close cooperation with researchers from the Ecole Centrale de Lyon (ECL) - a group led by Philippe Blanc-Benon (the Chairman of ISNA20). Vera Khokhlova and Oleg Sapozhnikov repeatedly visited ECL; Mikhail Averyanov and Petr Yuldashev were graduate students of Vera Khokhlova within the co-tutelle program with ECL and defended their theses within this joint program. Currently, Maria Karzova is a student of the same program graduating in spring of 2016. As a French graduate student, Maria was part of the Technical Committee of ISNA20.
       Traditionally, ISNA symposia covers all main areas of nonlinear acoustics: general theory, intense sound waves in liquids, multi-phase and porous media, cavitation, nonlinear waves in solid bodies, medical applications of powerful ultrasound, intense waves in the atmosphere, oceans and earth, etc. The Symposium also included the 2nd International Forum on Sonic Boom. In particular, the pilots that managed "Concorde" - the British-French supersonic passenger aircraft, participated in the Forum. The aim of organizing the Forum was the development of technical communication and exchanges between universities, industry, engineers and executive authorities, interested in the development of the supersonic civil aviation and creating a new generation of supersonic aircraft. The details of the event can be found on the official website